Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Don't be so Proud!

Hey You!, Don't be so proud..
Don't think you have tasted the nectar...
What you tasted is just the starter..
Before the Main course...
So don't be so proud...!

The lapse between the starter and the Nectar...
Is not gonna be smooth..
So, Hey you! don't be so proud!

The occasional ripples on your waters calm!
Can leave you astray or in a storm...
The tides that dance, ebb and fall..
Can tear you apart, can let you fall...
So hey You!, don't be so proud!

With each passing wave..
With passing ripple...
Just stay...
Be Aware...
Tell yourself.. Your Nectar sweet,
Is not that far away...
But Hey You!, Don't Be so proud!

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