Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Don't be so Proud!

Hey You!, Don't be so proud..
Don't think you have tasted the nectar...
What you tasted is just the starter..
Before the Main course...
So don't be so proud...!

The lapse between the starter and the Nectar...
Is not gonna be smooth..
So, Hey you! don't be so proud!

The occasional ripples on your waters calm!
Can leave you astray or in a storm...
The tides that dance, ebb and fall..
Can tear you apart, can let you fall...
So hey You!, don't be so proud!

With each passing wave..
With passing ripple...
Just stay...
Be Aware...
Tell yourself.. Your Nectar sweet,
Is not that far away...
But Hey You!, Don't Be so proud!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

A perception!!!

To this world..., I am Many!
Each perceive me as a reflection of their own perception...
To one I am Compassionate
To the other Worldly
To another a Lover
To yet other a Mother...
My roles.. Shift and Change
I live in the perception of the Perceiver....
To this world.. I am Many!!!

But who am I .. Underneath all Perceptions?
Who am I?
My nature, My role, the concept of Me...
Is ever changing and Passing..
But who am I ? Underneath all the perceptions...
Who am I?

I am a Perception...
A manifestation of the Absolute...
I am the perception of the Absolute
Just a Perception...A mere Perception ... HIS Divine perception!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Just Love!

Desire to hold on Hurts..
Not True Love...
Desire to own Hurts...
Not True Love..
Desire to conquer Hurts...
Not True Love...

Fear of Losing Hurts...
Not True Love...
Fear of Loneliness Hurts...
Not True Love...

When you recognise You
Why Desire or Fear?
When you relate to You,
Why Desire or Fear?

You are pure Love...
Which embraces your Inner Spaciousness

Love knows no Desire or Fear,
Desire and Fear Hurts...
Not True Love...

Desire No More...
Fear, No More...
Just Love...

Saturday, November 12, 2016

I wait...

I wait... wait for the next...
Knowing fully well, I am here and now
I wait... Wait for the next...

What is this next? I ask...
I shudder from within...
Not knowing what...
I wait... wait for the next...

I pull myself together... and just sit..
Just be in the here and now...
But still... 
I wait... Wait for the next...

This wait has been on for long I know...
Beyond this Life...
How long will this wait go on...?
Not knowing still...
I wait ... Wait for the Next...

Have I lost myself in this Wait?
I know not..
Will I find myself in the beyond...?
I know not...
I wait... Wait for the next...

This wait defines me now.. 
I love that Angst...
I wait in the here and now...
Not knowing for what... For whom...
Still ...
I wait... Wait for the Next...