Monday, July 25, 2016

Pause awhile and look within!

When thoughts throng your brain and leave you breathless...
When your heart and pulse rate ascends aimless...
When you hear your heart throbs in your brain..
When you feel your emotions erupt and drain..
When you gulp and feel the pain in your throat...
When your eyes look listless and your feelings bloat..
When you feel left out, behind the crowd...
When your eyes water non stop without doubt...

Pause awhile... and look within... and look beyond till you hear no more...

Pause awhile.. and look within... and look inwards till you feel no more...

Wash out your thoughts... empty your mind...

Befriend yourself... And know that you are never Alone!


geethu said...
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geethu said...

Very Sensible.Good going Nandhu.Do write more.

geethu said...

Very Sensible.Good going Nandhu.Do write more.

geethu said...

Very Sensible.Good going Nandhu.Do write more.