Monday, January 30, 2017

This , that or the other?

What is real?
This, That or the Other?
In this I am awake
In that I dream
The other is Absolute
What is real?
This , That or the Other?

Being in This, I drift to That
Engrossed in That, I am Pulled down to This
All in the search...
In the search of the Other..
What is real?
This , That or the Other?

Being in This, I enjoy the That,
When in That, I erase my This
All in the search...
In the search of the Other..
What is real?
This , That or Other?

Why bother, why define?
Why comprehend.. This, That or the Other?
Stop your search...
Be in This.. That .. And know..
You are in the Other
All are real... This That and the Other!